What is "Just For Dreamers"?

Wait to retire 😩 to start living, traveling and enjoying, was NEVER an option.

You don't need 1000 methods, you need 1 that works

I'm going to let you in on a secret. One of the main reasons we don't live the life of our dreams is because we simply DON'T KNOW WHAT WE WANT.

Why is it so hard for us?

The lives of millions of people in the world look like this :

  • The alarm clock goes off in the middle of the night and you are short of hours of rest.
  • You rush to work and the first thing you encounter is hellish traffic .
  • You arrive at your destination, tired and worn out , to find yourself with 200 emails and pending tasks from previous days. Your boss comes over and asks you for 1000 more things - all urgent - and other colleagues distract you with endless requests.
  • To escape, you open your social media for 5 minutes that turn into 1 hour. As you scroll through, you come across photos of your friends traveling, some starting new businesses, and others who seem to have fairy-tale partners. As a result, you feel unmotivated , drained, and frustrated. You realize that you are not living the life you want and you live comparing yourself to others .
  • The end of your day arrives, work has piled up and on your way home you only think about the debts you have, the problems at work and at home and, although you search in your brain for alternatives to improve your situation, you cannot find the resources.
  • Your body is asking for rest . Being at home, all you want is to disconnect and sleep.
  • You look forward to the weekend to get ahead and focus on what you want; in the blink of an eye, it's over . In the middle of a down Sunday, you realize that you didn't get enough of the weekend and you repeat to yourself: "It doesn't matter because tomorrow is Monday and I can start over."
  • And so you continue every week, which turns into months, which turns into years .
  • Suddenly you look in the mirror and ask yourself: “What have I done with my life?”

Did you identify with any of these situations?

Let me tell you a story…

For 18 years I worked in an office and in the first few years I had a similar routine. At the most extreme point I spent up to 4 hours a day in Mexico City traffic. I felt extremely tired, unmotivated and furious from spending 20 hours a week just commuting to my office. I was overwhelmed , watching my colleagues give up the best years of their lives to focus only on being successful professionals, neglecting their personal lives .

How can I achieve that much-desired balance? Being successful inside and outside the office. Would it make sense to live under the belief that I had to wait until I retired to start living, to see new places and do what I had always dreamed of, as my father, Alfredo, told me?

Something didn't add up in this equation... and it was my curiosity that led me to invest in my personal development and take training courses in Mexico, the USA and Europe. For almost two decades I dedicated myself to compiling everything I learned in these training courses, writing it down in at least 12 notebooks.

I started integrating the best concepts into my life to see the results, I became my own experiment .

I was so passionate about the project that I decided to structure it in a simple and accessible way so that other dreamers could save themselves those almost two decades of study and be inspired to create the life of their dreams. My goal was clear: to have a practical guide that worked for me and that I could take with me wherever I went.

That’s how in 2018 I designed “Just For Dreamers” , a digital workbook that takes you step by step to formulate a dream and obtain a result through phrases, exercises and dynamics that will allow you to identify what kind of dreamer you are . There are 5 types and each one has different results. It will be very important for you to know which one you are today and which one you could aspire to tomorrow. Will you be: P., C., M., A., or A+? You will also learn about GOYA’s Law and experience a 21-day challenge, which I explain to you with apples. In 63 powerful pages you can start your next adventure . DREAM, WRITE and EXPERIENCE.

Dreams yet to be fulfilled?...What are you waiting for?

Within the world of "Just For Dreamers", there is also a character that I want to introduce to you, would you like to meet him?

His name is Godinito and he lives in Godinland. His days were grey and he had become just another zombie-robot at work … he was simply an unmotivated Godin. When he discovered “Just For Dreamers” , he began his own transformation , recovering his inner strength that was withering away due to his routine. He took a pencil and paper, entered the creative laboratory of “Just For Dreamers” and wrote down his new strategies step by step to execute them and take action.

Meet Godinito

I would like to share another interesting fact with you...

This “Just For Dreamers” workbook also pays off Tribute to Margarita Orozco , my mother and mentor, who in her book “Creating the difference…in your life” shares with us the wisdom and knowledge of great thinkers. My contribution is to add definitive actions to obtain a result , accompanied by that shared wisdom.

In this methodology I share the secret with you and what I have learned after so many years of searching , research, practical experiences, many failures, scratches and a lot of investment $$$ :

Do you want to know in more detail the methodology that will leverage you towards action?:

To have a result you need to be extremely ORDERED . The steps for creating a dream are 5 and you can remember them with the following word: PIDDE Do you want to know its meaning? Download J4D and WRITE YOUR STORY

  1. P…
  2. YO…
  3. D…
  4. D…
  5. AND…

With this workbook you will be able to clearly identify your objectives , with date, name and surname, and create an action plan to achieve them. The name of the game has changed, it's now called: RUN, RUN, RUN . Remember: you have to do it yourself, but not alone. You can rely on the power of synergy by sharing your progress and next steps with others.

The decisive moment will come when you will sign your document with your own handwriting. commitment , telling him “YES” to your dreams . And that, dear dreamer, is the first action that will catapult you into a new reality.

Beware! There are also pitfalls in this new adventure, there are obstacles along the way, such as: frustration, regret, doubt. “What if…? What if I just went back to…?” All these obstacles are lurking, how can we avoid them?

This is where you can Leverage from “Just For Dreamers” for identify what really want and rely on this method to overcome those obstacles. The drive will come from strengthening the most complex muscles: POSITIVE HABITS to create consistency and thus transform your life. Keep in mind that there will be resistance, rejection and moments when you want to throw in the towel. However, behind every dream there are sacrifices that are worth it.

Do you still have a dream to fulfill?

Apparently it is a simple question , but behind it is hide your deepest desires and your greatest fears . If you answered YES, you are in the right place where the real adventure begins.

Like me, there have been other dreamers who have used this methodology . Here I share with you some of their results:

  • Susana was supported in changing jobs, earning more money, meeting new colleagues and starting new adventures in the professional world.
  • Juan Carlos was led to start a new challenge of studying a Master's degree in Sustainability in Europe, after 8 years in which he felt that the office routine was taking over every aspect of his life.
  • Brenda has been led to discover a new version of herself, developing all her talents now in Canada.
  • Mariana was motivated to continue as an entrepreneur and manage her own cabins in Tequisquiapan because she enjoys and is passionate about contact with her guests, giving them the best VIP treatment to make them feel at home.
  • Carlos and Erika were encouraged to take a step forward in their relationship and decide to start a family, in a home where their children could live surrounded by love, freedom and affection.
  • Manuel was encouraged to achieve a promotion as a Marketer and thus improve his level of English, since all his meetings are video conferences with the company's international team.

It doesn't matter if you are an entrepreneur, an artist, an office worker, a student, or someone who is simply looking for more out of life, J4D will be your ally .

Remember: Dreams and goals look different for each person . For some, it may be moving house, seeking a better salary, changing fields, learning a new language or traveling the world. For others, it may be achieving the long-awaited financial freedom, falling in love again, building a home, having the vacation of their dreams…the list is endless.

How did I come to this conclusion? In a training session for 69 people at a Japanese automotive company, I presented some elements of “Just For Dreamers” and I was able to confirm the great diversity of dreams, goals and objectives that people long to achieve. No dream was similar to another: one employee wanted to obtain a visa to travel to the USA, another wanted to spend more time with his daughter, another wanted to finish high school, a mother wanted to paint her daughter’s room… each dream they shared with me was reflected in their body with a smile and emotion.

Now I want to share a fable with you…with which I felt completely identified.

The Conformist Toad

"One day a toad fell into a pot of boiling water and its instinct made it jump out immediately. The next day the toad fell into the same pot but with cold water and swam around, enjoying itself. What the toad didn't know was that the temperature of the water was gradually rising. The toad was getting used to the change in temperature, reaching the point where the water was boiling. The toad wanted to jump out of the pot but couldn't because it was too weak and tired due to the efforts it made to adapt to the temperature and ended up dying."

Some would say that what killed the frog was the boiling water, in reality what killed the frog was its inability to decide WHEN to jump .

“Just For Dreamers” will become that alert that tells you: IT’S TIME TO JUMP.

Jump as soon as you can!

I don't know what place you want to get to or what dream you want to fulfill. What I do know is that “Just For Dreamers” will be your tool and companion on the path to your destination , WRITE YOUR STORY.

If you and I, dear dreamer, are united by a dream, then I am very pleased. Dare to meet your future self!

You write this story.

The day is today, the moment is here and the click is now.