What is "Making a difference...in your life"?

A whole life WAITING to be HAPPY ?

Celebrate with us more than 12 years of “Making a Difference…in your life ”!

If you have read classics such as “The Little Prince”, “Jonathan Livingston Seagull” and “The Alchemist”, it is time for you to discover this literary gem that you should not only read, but treasure.

“Creating the Difference…in your life” is the book that has transformed lives, and now it’s your turn to discover its magic .

What did Margarita Orozco and more than 54 historical figures such as writers, philosophers, prophets and spiritual teachers, among others, want to convey about Happiness in this book? If you want to know…READ THE BOOK

They all invite you to decipher this great mystery… is it really something we can achieve in this world? Many times we are born, live and depart with an unknown within ourselves. Does this sound familiar?

There will always be great unknowns when we are not clear about where we are going, or are not sure what happiness means to us. Even less, have we reflected that on many occasions life ends, in the middle of the preparations to live it , as the great Seneca said. Continuing to wait for things to improve, change or for others to resolve them for us, is no longer an option…READ THE BOOK

Creating the difference...in your life , gives us a direct push towards hope . My opinion would be that readers recommend it to the people they love and to those who need to dust off their path , there are many of us” shares Emmanuel, international singer .

How does this story begin?

Margarita wrote this book based on memories and reflections during her career as a speaker and motivator in human relations. She began to put her ideas on paper, beginning her literary legacy, with at least three published works. Her main driving forces and sources of inspiration were undoubtedly: her husband Alfredo and her two sons, Alfredo and Bernardo. In the case of her children, her intention was to share wisdom that could accompany them through life and support them in difficult times, when they were searching for answers, without clear guidance and feeling overwhelmed by making decisions and the consequences of these.

“Making a Difference…in Your Life” contains many of the most influential ideas created by great thinkers of classical and modern times; emphasizing the importance of spiritual development in human beings. In this book, he wanted to not only transmit the information to his children, but to share it with millions of people who experienced uncertainty, chaos and fear.

The main advantage of “Making a difference…in your life” is, unlike many anecdotes, the ease with which anyone can identify with what is expressed in it. In recent years, anxiety and depression levels have skyrocketed exponentially; therefore, the words of “Making a difference…in your life” become more relevant as a source of inspiration.

Experiences that make you vibrate through books are not easy to achieve. Margarita has that special gift” says Yohana García, author of the bestseller Francesco.

READ THE BOOK to guide you through phrases, stories, tales and anecdotes, learning and capitalizing on the experiences of others.

This book has been enjoyed by singers, writers, journalists, scriptwriters, presenters, Guinness award winners, high-performance athletes, businessmen, entrepreneurs, announcers, composers, lecturers, housewives, office workers, mountaineers and that is why I would love for you to join this great concept .

Who is Margarita Orozco ?

Loving, dedicated and committed woman, who dedicated her life to transmitting for more than 20 years, in her nearly 7,000 conferences, workshops and courses, her mystique of life: "being useful and being at the service of others"

Guest and permanent speaker at various institutions such as: Fondo de Cultura Económica, FAME (Mexican Family), Chapultepec Golf Club, National Bank of Foreign Trade, Metropolitan Collective Transportation System, Services for Navigation in Mexican Airspace, among others.

She joined the list of Mexican authors who have truly managed to captivate readers with their message and has been classified as a great motivator in human relations .

He received recognition and awards from various authorities in the public and private sectors such as: the Presidency of the Republic of the United Mexican States, Petróleos Mexicanos, the Mexican Institute of Chemical Engineers, Galerías Plaza de las Estrellas, Airports and Auxiliary Services and the System for the Comprehensive Development of the Family.

His published books:

  • "Memories and Reflections"
  • "7 deadly sins"
  • "Making a difference...in your life"

My story with this gem

“Making a difference…in your life” is a book that gave me, Berny, confidence at a time of great stress while I was studying for my master’s degree in England. Being away from home, dealing with high expectations from myself and others, led me to experience loneliness, tension and feelings of sadness for not knowing how to solve things independently.

Despite sharing this experience with my brother, who supported me to successfully complete my MBA, this trip led me to live a personal, intimate and challenging experience. During this time I realized that doing a Master's degree did not only mean passing an exam, but being immersed in a process in which you break paradigms, doubt yourself, the environment is uncomfortable and you begin with great challenges that you either overcome or can even sink you. In those moments of uncertainty and desire to throw in the towel, I asked my mentor and mother for her book. It traveled from Mexico to England and when I received it I could not stop reading it. I began to feel accompanied by reading its phrases, stories and anecdotes. It became not only that injection of motivation that I needed, rescuing me from a difficult moment, but also my first project as an entrepreneur after completing my MBA at Sheffield University.

Over time, it has become my go-to book and companion through other complex processes I have experienced, such as changing jobs, moving house, traveling, losing, failing, and adventuring on another continent. For me, it is a privilege to open the book and feel that my mom is there every time I need her.

Today we continue to pay tribute to Margarita and I would love for you to get to know her through this book and begin your own journey towards a new version of yourself. I have always said that this is not just a book, but an awakening , an invaluable treasure for the wealth of wisdom of so many characters who have transformed this world.

Why the title “Making a difference…in your life”?

Creating is a present action and invites us to live in the here and now, forgetting about the past and only remembering what we have been through so as not to make the same mistakes. These are part of life, but by learning from past experiences we will avoid stumbling over the same stones, we will begin to clear the path and we will understand what it means to live with dignity: valuing, being grateful and being aware to take advantage of the opportunities that life offers us TODAY.

In its 246 pages, Margarita takes you by the hand on an inner journey without leaving home . You will navigate between tales, fables, songs, movies, phrases and real stories, meeting characters who, like you and me, seek harmony, spiritual peace and happiness every day. Are you ready? ...READ THE BOOK

This fascinating book reveals a recipe that has been kept secret for over 2,500 years, with step-by-step instructions for achieving the much-desired happiness in this complex but wonderful world. With just 4 simple steps, you will discover how close or far you are from it.

Millennial recipe to achieve HAPPINESS

  1. PV
  2. DP
  3. PS
  4. BE

Were you able to figure out the recipe? Give it a try…you'll surely have fun. Check it out inside and READ THE BOOK

You will learn 3 powerful steps to start a process of change : Decision, C. and R. When you follow these steps you must be very careful with the 3 poisons that have kept you in the same place without using your full potential because of your fear of change. Learn the antidote and READ THE BOOK.

Margarita is accompanied by 12 personalities who support her in this incredible story. And as the cherry on the cake, the prologue is written by the international singer Emmanuel, who joins Margarita in inviting you to immerse yourself in the reading of this treasure that should be in your home.

Don’t wait any longer! Download “Making a Difference…in your life” and with all these inspiring ingredients create your own recipe for BEING HAPPY.

When you have a gem in front of you, don't let it get away and READ THE BOOK

"Making a Difference...in Your Life" in Numbers

1 AUTHOR : Margarita Orozco

1 PROLOGUE : Emmanuel

15th ANNIVERSARY : Sheffield, England

12 PERSONALITIES : Claudia Lizaldi, Yohana Garcia, Karla Wheelock, Adriana Macias, Lorena Tassinari, Tere Aviña, Saul Mendoza, Alex Slucki, Alejandro Watson, Josafat Gonzalez, Ruben Aviña and Emmanuel.

15 CHAPTERS : Discovery and meaning of life, Responsibility to live with quality, The dignity of the human being, acceptance and correction of errors, Living from the inside out, the virtues and powers of the human being, hope and charity, strength, prudence, justice, temperance, science, art and literature, personal mastery, sensible pleasure, external goods and process of change.

12 STORIES : The highest grade (Margarita), wrong values ​​(Sofia), The Pains of Dolores (Dolores), Facing Tragedy (Susana), Learning to Forgive (Lupita), Weak Foundations (Santiago), Complexes and Frustrations (Rafael), Chasing the teacher (Rocio), Childhood is Destiny (Alberto), A jalopy for example (friend), Arrogance and Lack of conscience (friend), Consciousness of Life (Cristina)

12 STORIES : “When You Eat”, “God and the Shoemaker”, “To Be or Not to Be”, “Tibetan Tale”, “The Musk Goat”, “Gandhi’s Advice”, “Time/Out of Time”, “Help Yourself and God Will Help You”, “The Oracle of Delphi”, “Stumbling Over the Same Stone”, “The Answer is in the Wind”, “Emily…Our People, Our Life”.

54 CHARACTERS : Oscar Wilde, Gaius Petronius, Abraham Lincoln, Leonardo da Vinci, Protagoras, Ludwig van Beethoven, Facundo Cabral, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, Saint Augustine, Pablo Picasso, Malinche, Confucius, John Donne, Sigmund Freud, William Shakespeare, Antonio Machado, Joan Manuel Serrat, Amado Nervo, Soren Kierkegaard, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Renato Leduc, Ruben Fuentes, Cuauhtémoc Aguilar, Jesus, Mahatma Gandhi, Mary Magdalene, Richard Attenborough, Rabindranath Tagore, Muhammad, Jean de la Fontaine, Heraclitus, Diogenes, Lucius Annaeus Seneca, George Bernard Shaw, Bob Dylan, Jean Jacques Rousseau, Zarathustra, Ricardo Arjona, Francisco María Arouet, Prof. John Keating (Death Poets Society), Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Pepe Alameda, Jaime Sabines, Sogyal Rinpoche, Richard Wagner, René Descartes, Miguel de Unamuno, Rudyard Kipling, Baruch Spinoza, Arturo Benavides, Charles Chaplin


Once you finish reading it, you will want to complement the recipe for HAPPINESS with your own ingredients.

What ingredients would you add? Share them with me and let's break a Guinness record: The recipe for the greatest happiness in the world!!