What is "Customer Experience Path"?

Terrible service ⭐
a EXCELLENT service
Developing a customer -centric organizational culture not only improves customer experience, but can also increase your company's revenue.
As a customer, how many of these horror stories have you experienced?
  • You arrive at a restaurant , you wait hours for the waiter to arrive and nothing, it almost seems like you're in a ghost town. When they finally come to your table, they do so with a sour face and rush you to order, pay and leave. The food arrives cold and all you can think about is that you will NEVER return to that place.
  • You have unrecognized charges on your credit card and to resolve it you need to go to the bank in person. You know it will be a long and tedious process, so you block your schedule to focus on resolving it with the bank executive. You have already been waiting an hour for your turn, when the executive calls you to go to his cubicle. You explain your situation and the executive disappears for 30 minutes. He returns to ask you for more information and disappears again for another 15 minutes. Finally he returns and tells you that your case can only be resolved over the phone and with a smile he offers you insurance and thanks you for your visit.
  • You make an urgent appointment with your doctor . You manage to make it to his office at 4 pm and since you feel terrible, you arrive on time. You greet his assistant and without looking up he responds with: “Give me your name and have a seat.” It’s 5 pm and you cordially ask the receptionist if he’ll be there much longer, to which they respond: “The doctor is very busy and will be with you in a few moments.” Finally, at 6:30 pm, the doctor sees you and since you feel bad, it didn’t occur to you to tell him about the terrible treatment of his receptionist .
These are just 3 situations from different industries, however, a bad service experience is present in all industries , and even in all spaces.
How many more could you remember?
Now, it's time to share with you an idea that could change the course of your life. I'd like you to think about your current clients and what level of service you give them. How would they rate you? Would you be a horror story to them?
If you think you have no customers and you're not providing a service, I HAVE NEWS FOR YOU: every time you have an interaction with another person, you are providing a service . Each one of those people becomes one of your customers.
Under this new definition, breaking the traditional scheme, some examples of your clients would be: your coworkers , your boss, your direct team, the internal areas with which you collaborate, your neighbors, your friends, your acquaintances and even your family .
I ask you again: how high would they give you a rating? Would you be a horror story to them?
I want to share with you some interesting data from the UK Customer Service Institute , Bain&Co and Salesforce:
  1. Businesses lose 11% of their customers due to a negative customer service experience .
  2. If a company's customer service is excellent , 78% of consumers will do business with the same company again after a mistake.
  3. Increasing customer retention rates by just 5% can increase revenue by 25-95%.
  4. Companies can increase revenue by 4-8% above their market when they focus on delivering better customer service experiences .
  5. It takes 12 positive customer experiences to make up for ONE negative experience.
  6. Investing in new customers is 5 to 25 times more expensive than retaining existing ones.
  7. 67% of customers cite a terrible experience as a reason for switching companies.
  8. 78% of customers have backed out of a purchase due to a poor customer service experience .
  9. 31% of customers say they are willing to pay more for goods or services if they are guaranteed excellent service.
Do you still have doubts about why the CUSTOMER should be the center of your universe?
We are currently immersed in a cultural and paradigm shift in consumption: customers are migrating from consuming goods and services to consuming experiences .
Did you know that the new business trend in Europe is focused on Experience Marketing ? In the coming years, companies will increase their investments in this segment at least 4 times. Do you want to stay ahead or do you prefer to stay out of the competition?
There are several symptoms and signs that will let you know it's time to take action :
  • The CUSTOMER is simply a GHOST , no one turns to look at him
  • You do not have TRAINED staff with leadership skills
  • Your phone lines are OVERTAKEN and generate an INEFFICIENT response
  • Continuous interruptions in service due to OUTAGES in your systems
  • Changes to the Terms and Conditions of Service are NEVER communicated
  • POOR CUSTOMER SERVICE that can be perceived as RUDE treatment
  • Your employees do NOT know the word HOSPITALITY
  • There is a HOSTILE environment inside your company with internal clients who stop processes instead of solving
  • Your customers feel SMALL or insignificant
But like every problem, there is also a solution . Do you want to know what it is?
"Customer Experience Path" is an IMMERSIVE training in which you will learn from one of the best exponents in the service and entertainment industry. Don't worry, you won't have to travel to Orlando to access this information.
What you will do is connect live to EUROPE to experience the most FUN and DISRUPTIVE training online .
Imagine being able to know the methods and secrets that will allow you to TRANSFORM your business , work and even your personal relationships through better service and leadership.
What do they do? How do they do it? Why have they become the greatest reference in customer service? Can I apply what they do? What secrets are there behind the MAGIC ?
Can you imagine being able to turn every interaction with your customers into an opportunity to BUILD THEM and increase your sales? With "Customer Experience Path" , this is not only possible, it is a reality within your reach! After completing this training , you will be equipped with the tools and knowledge necessary to:
  1. Get LOYAL CUSTOMERS and loyal employees.
  2. Learn successful STRATEGIES from the Disney method.
  3. Provide EXCELLENCE in service.
  4. Achieve COMMITTED EMPLOYEES for your company .
  5. Offer products that meet and exceed the EXPECTATIONS of current customers and attract new prospects.
  6. CREATE FANS of your company , brand and product.
  7. Discover SECRETS and processes behind the Disney Organizational Culture .
  8. Create MAGICAL MOMENTS for employees and customers .
  9. Increase CREATIVITY and INNOVATION in your company according to the Disney method .
  10. Encourage creative and CORRECT DECISION-MAKING .
  11. IMPROVE the immediate RESULTS of the company, brand or product.
  12. Apply 100% MOTIVATIONAL TECHNIQUES to your employees.

Let me tell you a story…I loved MICKEY MAGO ever since my parents Margarita and Alfredo took me and my brother to California and Orlando for the first time when we were little. At some point, when I was 6 years old, I told a friend of my mom that when I grew up I was going to move to Orlandoto live near the MAGO. Imagine the impact that living those experiences had on my life as a child.
Time passed and I was able to return to Orlando until my 30s and I thought , will I enjoy a children's amusement park as an adult? Will I be excited seeing animated characters in costumes? Will it be worth investing in plane tickets, hotel, transportation and park entrances? The answer exceeded my HIGH EXPECTATIONS.
Here 's a secret for you...would you like to read it?...ALWAYS...when?... ALWAYS...learn from the best . If you surround yourself with them, the result will be that YOU become BETTER . These entertainment GENIUSES are experts at EXCEEDING your EXPECTATIONS . That's their MISSION, for you to have the BEST vacation of your LIFE...and they achieve it, day after day, year after year. They are a MACHINERY that works with the precision of a SWISS watch .
How do they manage to exceed your expectations ? You will automatically think that it is thanks to TECHNOLOGY, or to investing millions of dollars in MARKETING, or to their extraordinary immersive RIDES or the TITANIC work of always keeping their parks IMPECCABLE. Yes, the answer is yes, all those elements make this MACHINERY work, but the SECRET ingredient lies in: its COLLABORATORS .
One of Walt Disney 's favorite phrases is: “You can design and create, and build the most wonderful place in the world. But it takes PEOPLE to make the dream a reality.
How can you keep a smile for more than 12 hours a day? Or how do you keep the energy and desire to GREET hundreds of people who visit you every day of the year, traveling from different places in the WORLD to have a VIBRANT experience ? Have you ever wondered if you: could keep the smile and energy for a whole work day? Repeat it for a week or a year? Could your collaborators?
Every story has a beginning and this is the story of how I came to the Disney Institute .
In October 2016 I had a photo shoot in Coyoacán, CDMX, with my talented friends Gilda and Odette. They welcomed me as if the King of ENGLAND had arrived. They did everything possible to ELEVATE my experience , they even played my favorite music so I wouldn't feel so nervous during the photo shoot. I already felt like an internationally famous MODEL , I was on cloud nine .
During the session they told me that they had bought a BOOK in ORLANDO that had changed the way they made their CLIENTS feel so that they had an unforgettable experience during their photo shoots. Indeed, the MAGIC was achieved , I felt at HOME . I begged them to reveal to me the name of the MAGIC BOOK ... they shared it with me but at that time it could only be obtained in ORLANDO . Leaving the session I called my friend Denisse, a co-worker at the bank, because her sister could get me the book . I DID IT! I had in my hands the first approach to the METHOD behind the MAGIC .
Obviously this BOOK blew my BRAIN , and I decided to take the course directly at the Institute . I spent more than 24 months SAVING month after month to live the EXPERIENCE directly in ORLANDO .
In 2018 the day came . The experience was simply SPECTACULAR ... today I have more than 18 training sessions from the same Institute , under the MICKEY MAGO MODEL . Without fear of being wrong, I am sure that I am one of the few MEXICANS who have had the GREAT opportunity to LIVE and learn the METHOD that has made everything these GENIUSES touch, transform it into MAGIC.
Now…if you have already read up to this part…I THANK YOU…and I am going to REVEAL another SECRET to you . I heard an URBAN LEGEND , in which they said that there was an entire CITY beneath the ORLANDO park . I was so INTRIGUED that I did EVERYTHING to find out if this LEGEND was TRUE. I was able to witness everything that happens underground , something that very FEW can EXPERIENCE. You may wonder: what goes on there? I can tell you …every detail is MILLIMETRICLY designed and thought out by great EXPERTS, it is a CITY that allows you to create UNIQUE EXPERIENCES.
If you want to take your business , life or relationships to the next LEVEL …to a MAGICAL LEVEL …it's time for you to INVEST in the most FUN and DISRUPTIVE TRAINING called CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE PATH by BERNY , I'll see you in EUROPE.
Can you imagine learning the secrets behind the magic of Disney ? In this exclusive training, you will have the opportunity to immerse yourself in the world of Disney and learn firsthand how this iconic company creates unforgettable experiences . Throughout the course, you will receive valuable and practical information that will transform the way you view customer service and experience creation.
I share with you the more than 18 training sessions that I have taken with Mickey Mago :
What will you learn in this training?
  • Secrets and Keys: Discover Disney's best kept secrets and the keys that have led the company to become a world leader in entertainment and customer service .
  • Tools and Examples: Access practical tools and real-life examples that you can apply in your own work environment to improve the quality of service .
  • Trivia & Videos: Enjoy fascinating trivia and inspiring videos that show you how Disney has created magical moments for millions of people.
  • Concepts and Exercises: Learn fundamental concepts and participate in interactive exercises that will help you internalize and apply what you have learned .
  • Disney Philosophy and Credo: Learn the philosophy and creed that guide Disney in its mission to create memorable experiences .
Course Syllabus
  1. 10 Teachings from the Mous e: Essential Disney Lessons for Success.
  2. Onboarding Process “Traditions” : Discover the process of integrating new employees at Disney.
  3. The Relevance of Disney as a Company : Understand why Disney is one of the most influential companies in the world.
  4. Magical Moments: Learn to create magical moments that leave an indelible mark.
  5. TAKE 5s: Discover the secret ingredient that makes every interaction special.
  6. Disney Success Secrets: Learn the secrets of Disney's success .
  7. 7 Guest Service Guidelines: The seven guest service guidelines that ensure an exceptional experience.
  8. Story Telling “The Disney Way”: Learn the art of storytelling the Disney way.
  9. Role Play & Festival of Fantasy: Take part in role play activities and immerse yourself in the Festival of Fantasy .
  10. The 5 Keys of the Kingdom: Discover the five keys to Disney's kingdom that shape its organizational culture.
  11. The Three Powerful Pillars : Service Quality, Employee Engagement and Leadership Excellence.
This course will not only provide you with valuable knowledge, but will also inspire you to apply these principles in your professional and personal life . Join us and discover how you can create memorable Disney-style experiences !
Why is "Customer Experience Path" relevant ?
For more than 16 years I worked in an exciting, complex and highly competitive industry: the FINANCIAL industry . In Mexico, the country and city where I worked for one of the most important banks worldwide, service issues were the order of the day and were a “pain point” for many of my clients who had an international profile.
Some of the PROBLEMS that I faced, together with my work team, were: high response times , complex processes , setbacks in the Implementations and failures or crashes in the system on sensitive days - such as fortnightly payments or payroll payments.
Being a BANKER today is a titanic task and, many times, my day to day consisted of being a FIRE FIGHTER . Not giving a PREMIUM service to my clients generated complaints, discomfort, loss of business or money and claims… you can imagine the level of intensity and stress.
Unlike those who work in an office, I had not just one direct boss, but four, which meant that the pressure increased exponentially. I had a direct boss in Mexico, another boss who was the owner of the relationship at a global level - in different geographies such as the USA, UK, INDIA, among others -, another boss was the CFO of the subsidiary and the last one was the CFO of the Headquarters. To carry out my day-to-day work , I needed to be extremely organized, disciplined and provide delivery above the banking standard , as these were extremely complex relationships.
During my career as a banker, 80% or more of my CLIENTS mentioned that my MANAGEMENT , along with that of my direct MANAGERS and my TEAM, was OUTSTANDING .
Even when there were changes in the PORTFOLIO , due to compliance, my clients asked to continue having me as their BANKER . This was a GREAT satisfaction for me and my TEAM.
One of the main OBJECTIVES of any business is to achieve a STANDARDIZATION of SERVICE : regardless of the person in charge of the client, an EXCEPTIONAL QUALITY service can be provided. However, when the COLLABORATOR does not have the tools or the vision, this objective goes from being a possibility to being the cause of "pain points" experienced by the client. This situation directly impacts the RETENTION of clients and the financial indicators of the company.
There are currently 9 banks in the market in Mexico , so there is INTENSE COMPETITION to attract and retain CUSTOMERS . Within this competitive environment, I managed to maintain my customer retention KPIs with a high NPS . You may wonder, how was this achieved? And the answer was: by implementing a service MODEL , together with my allies and work team at the bank, so that my clients had a DIFFERENTIATED experience under a proven, successful and REPLICABLE scheme in different industries .
From 2016 to 2022 , that is, during 7 years of my more than 16 years as a Banker, in the VoC metrics my results INCREASED radically , all due to having implemented a SYSTEM ... a what?... a SYSTEM that is put into practice 365 days a year in the iconic amusement parks, under three main pillars : LEADERSHIP of excellence, COMMITMENT of employees and QUALITY of service.
The key to this SYSTEM lies in 4 main axes. As of 2020, they included a 5th axis.
Would you like to meet them? These 5 axes guide their ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE :
  1. S.
  2. C.
  3. YO.
  4. S.
  5. AND.
You might have thought that the axes of this SYSTEM would be much more complex , however the success of its implementation LIES in its SIMPLICITY . Each of its collaborators knows perfectly and puts into practice these 5 principles.
You may or may not know me… on this occasion I prefer to introduce myself , not through my self-definition, but through what clients experienced under my management:
Testimonial 1: “ Thank you for all your attention and your commitment to this company. I remember that you arrived at a very low point in our relationship with the Bank and thanks to your professionalism we have come back to consider it as our main Bank .”
Testimonial 2: “ We worked very well with you , I always told you that. I really appreciate the way you took the services to another level after we were about to change banks. I am sure that you will always be successful wherever you go. More than a bank, you have been another arm of our company and coworkers. We will miss you .”
Testimonial 3: “It has been a pleasure to meet you and have the opportunity to work together for so long. I am sure you will continue to be very successful as you have been until now. I will definitely miss you as my banker .”
Are you ready to stop being a horror story for your customers?
Schedule your training “Customer Experience Path” an insightful, unique, and immersive training by Berny Orozco and see you in Europe!
Disclaimer: This “Customer Experience Path” training is not produced by “The Walt Disney Company” or its subsidiaries, and is not an official Disney product. This training compiles publicly available information as well as the more than 18 training courses that Berny Orozco has taken at The Disney Institute (“CX” Customer Experience Summit, Employee Engagement, Quality Service, and Leadership Excellence).